Show HTTP Response Headers

This Page Shows The Response Headers Returned To Your Browser From A Webserver

This is part of a collection of information about Webserver/Browser Tools,
which is part of my web collection of information.

The HTTP Response Headers Can Tell You Valuabe Information

In short, this tool shows you various pieces of information about the individual webpage that you are requesting and about the server software that is serving the webpage. One great use for this tool is to find out what server software an e-commerce site is running so you can evaluate the security risks of buying online. Below, you can see some sample output of this tool: the headers from the default webpage on this server have been requested and displayed below.

Enter a URI here to see the headers returned for that webpage

This URI can be with or without the http:// example: or
You can also use a server's IP address. Example

ALSO: If the webpage you would like to check is running on a non-standard port (not port 80), you can tack the port number on the end of the hostname like this: for port 8080.

  Headers for  
  HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently  
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1  
  Content-Length: 231  
  Connection: close  
  Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 22:10:43 GMT  
  Server: Apache  

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